We are a faith-based independent private voluntary organization affiliated to Faith Ministries Zimbabwe. Our primary focus is social responsibility and developing communities in Zimbabwe.
Medical missions
492 Harare Drive,
Vainona, Harare, Zimbabwe
Mon - Sat 09:00 - 17:00
Copyright 2024 © EBENEZER TRUST ORG
Access To Medical Care
Establish a referral system for identifying and providing access to medical care to those in need.
Raising Funds
Raise funds to support minor infrastructure, human resources and medical equipment for health facilities..
Building Clinics
In the long-term our mandate is also to to raise funds to build and operate clinics.

About Us
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About Us
We are a faith-based independent private voluntary organization affiliated to Faith Ministries Zimbabwe. Our primary focus is social responsibility and developing communities in Zimbabwe. We seek to rebuild lives by training, economic empowerment, fighting and mitigating extreme poverty. Working through churches, community organizations and the Zimbabwe Government Ministry of Social Welfare, we seek to improve the quality of life of orphans, vulnerable children, widows and adults living in extreme poverty.
Our Mission
Demonstrating God’s love by engaging communities in a sustainable and holistic manner in order to improve the quality of life.
Our Vision
Transformed communities with enhanced livelihoods.
Strategic Areas Of Focus
1. Orphans and Vulnerable children, elderly, widows and church compassion – Working with the government of Zimbabwe to support the vulnerable by providing shelter (orphanages and old people homes), food and necessities for sustenance.
2. Medical Missions uses innovative ways of supporting both FM members and the communities to access medical care in fulfillment of Jesus’ mandate to provide care to the sick.
3. Prisons Ministry- Ministering to the incarcerated by providing basic needs, visitation, counselling and supporting rehabilitation and re-entry into communities.
4. Projects Training and Poverty alleviation: Training is such areas as crop and animal farming, informal and formal trades for sustainability .
5. Social Welfare Emergency and Disaster Relief: Resource mobilization for supporting and rehabilitation of affected communities.
Medical Missions
Mathew 25 vs 44-45 “Then they also will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You?’ Then He will answer them, saying, Assuredly, I say to you, in as much as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’’

Our Values


Ebenezer Trust a helping hand