Our Board
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Dr. Elizabeth Gonese

Prison MinistryChairperson
Mrs. S. Mavengere

Fund Raising Chairperson
Mrs. A. Muchedzi

Directors of Shammah Children's Home and Administrators.
Pastor Daniel and Miriam Munetsi

Presiding Bishop of Faith Ministries and Ebenezer Trust Patron.
Bishop Ngwiza Mnkandla

Social Welfare Chairperson
Dr. J. Marwisa

Poverty Alleviation
and Projects Chairperson
Pastor Nhlema

Faith Ministries Zimbabwe Bishop and Senior Pastor. Accountability over Ebenezer Trust Board.
Bishop Percy T. Kadziyanike

Medical Missions Chairperson
Dr. Y. Musodza
Dr. Elizabeth Gonese is a public health specialist with over 25 years experience working in Health Sector in Zimbabwe. She holds a PhD in Epidemiology and a Masters in Public Health. She is passionate about humanitarian work. Her motto is “Making a difference, one life at a time, Every life matters!
Mrs Stella Mavengere is a social worker by profession and by calling. Always strives to see the best in people. Desires to see inmates holistically empowered to serve their terms with a positive attitude; and ex-inmates rehabilitated and reintegrated as useful members of the community to the glory of God.
Auxillia Muchedzi is a seasoned Public Health Specialist with over 16 years designing and managing health and development programs. She is passionate about talent development, stakeholder engagement and building sustainable programs
Dr Justice Marwisa is a leadership consultant, counsellor, mentor and end of life coach. He runs 3 companies, Transformation Team, College of Marriage and Living the Best Life. He is married to Pamela.
Mr Brian Nhlema is an International Development Specialist and agricultural engineer with extensive experience in designing, managing and evaluating agriculture, food security, water and rural infrastructure, natural resources programmes in Africa.
Medical Doctor whose passion is to see lives restored not only spiritually but also physically, mentally and emotionally. She believes healthcare is the mandate of the church, a means through which we bring the gospel to the diverse communities. It is her desire as Medical Missions Chairperson to enable the needy among us to access healthcare so that they prosper physically even as their souls prosper.
Ebenezer Trust a helping hand

We are a faith-based independent private voluntary organization affiliated to Faith Ministries Zimbabwe. Our primary focus is social responsibility and developing communities in Zimbabwe.
Medical missions
492 Harare Drive,
Vainona, Harare, Zimbabwe
Mon - Sat 09:00 - 17:00
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